
アメリカ発 家族みんなで楽しめる!0歳からはじめる英語リトミック♪

Music Together Legato

ー東京都江東区 森下&清澄白河/ 中央区 月島&勝どき

music together legato

講師の写真 小さい雲のイラスト 小さい雲のイラスト 飛行機のイラスト



Music Together Legato

Fun with various Songs(12/8Up

色々なジャンルの音楽を楽しもう − Fun with various Songs

Music Together Legatoでは、フリーダンスの時によく80年代のディスコソングを使ってみんなでダンスします。(この選曲でおおよその年齢が判明!(笑))





I usually use 80’s disco songs when we have a free dance time. As you know in this selection my age has come to light, haha.

Anyway MT-Legato is a kind of early childhood music center, so I think I should share for families especially for children that there is various type of music in the world! I am going to use various songs with every family.

Disco songs, YOUKAI WATCH, Indian music etc.

If you have great suggesting songs, please share us, and dance together!